A bulldog eating biscuits
Foods that are bad for dogs
foods that are bad for dogs
Foods that are bad for dogs

It’s important to note that there are some foods that are bad for dogs.


Even so, many dog-owners can’t resist those puppy-dog eyes begging for a morsel when enjoying their dinner or having a snack?

You might have a proper diet plan prepared according to the needs of your pooch, but you might be tempted to give your dog leftovers or share your food with them especially when they look at it so longingly.


After all, a few extra treats won’t hurt, right?



Many food items that are safe for humans are not really safe for dogs. Did you know that in 2016, over 4,000 dogs had to be rushed to the vet just because they ingested grapes?

Take note of the following foods that are bad for dogs so that you don’t unknowingly feed your precious pets something that can put their lives in danger.


Whether avocados are safe for dogs or not has remained a controversial topic since a very long time. The confusion stems from a substance called persin which is present in the leaves, seeds, and fruits of avocado. Persin is known to cause diarrhea and lead to vomiting in dogs. However, the amount of persin naturally reduces in ripe avocados. This is why many dog owners who feed the fruit to their pets don’t notice any harmful effects. Most problems, however, occur when the dog chokes on the large pit of the avocado.

Candy, Gum, Peanut Butter…or Anything with Xylitol

If you tend to toss candies to your dog once in a while, it’s time to break the habit. Stop your kids from sharing their goodies with the pet as well because these sweets contain an ingredient called xylitol. This compound causes a rapid rise in your dog’s insulin level which can disturb their blood sugar level. In extreme cases, this can lead to liver failure and/ or seizures.

Onions and Garlic

Be it cooked, uncooked, dried, powdered or in any other form, onions and garlic should be kept away from dogs. This is because these items can cause gastrointestinal irritation and lead to red blood cell damage as well. Generally, a small amount won’t hurt, but consuming too much at once has a high risk of poisoning your dog.


No matter how much you love chocolates, know that they are dangerous for your pooch. Chocolates contain theobromine and caffeine which have a direct impact on the heart rate and the nervous system of dogs. Of course, your pet is unlikely to refuse a chocolate bar, but remember that a high amount of these compounds in his body can result in tremors, seizures, and maybe even death.

The toxicity of chocolates for dogs decreases as you go from cocoa powder and dark chocolate to white and milk chocolates. Since chocolates are commonly found in most households, your pet may stumble upon a piece even if you hide it. Learn more about the toxicity of chocolates for dogs so that you are well prepared in emergencies.

Sharing might be caring, but for the safety of your pooch, it’s better that you don’t share these food items with your dog.



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