
When a dog makes a connection with a person, it is something that can’t be easily severed or forgotten about. A stray dog in China proved this to be true when he ran alongside a team of cyclists who were traveling cross-country to Tibet for a seventeen thousand kilometer race.


Forming a bond

The dog, nicknamed Little Sa or Xiao Sa, met the cyclist team while they were racing through the National Highway 318. The little pooch was just lying by the side of the road, soaking in the sun, when one of the members thought of showing him a small act of kindness. Xiao Yong, the 22-year-old racer, threw the dog a chicken drumstick so that he could have something to eat. This small gesture sparked a bond between the two and was the moment that inspired the doggie to join them on their journey.

Determined doggie

At first, the cyclists did not realize that the dog would be running with them until the end of the line. They just thought that he simply wanted to follow them for a little while. However, the pooch showed them how dedicated he was when he didn’t hesitate to run up to sixty kilometers a day with them through risky mountain routes that reach thousands of feet in altitude.


This stray dog’s perseverance helped motivate Yong to finish the race after so many cyclists have already given up. They traveled miles across China together and braved the weather and harsh mountainous route with each other as their only comfort. Because of this, their bond only grew stronger and was what decided Yong to do what it took to bring the doggie home with him forever. Xiao Sa had already chosen him as his owner, and the young man wanted to be that for him.


Check out their story here:

Source: Youtube | IBTimes UK




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